Saturday 17 May 2008

A Large Single Red Rose.....

Last week I passed a graveyard
a cold and lonely place,
A man stood by a headstone
wind blown tears upon his face.
He stood there silently weeping
etched deeply in his face was pain,
why does everyone have to die
at the end only death can reign.
In his hand he held a flower
a large single red rose,
his eyes seeing old memories
of the one he once held so close.
I saw him later in a pub
alone and at the bar,
I saw the crack in the mask
I saw his deep red scar.
I know I'll always remember him
standing there silently weeping,
he frequently enters my thoughts
silent, unbidden and creeping.

Late Home.....

Me Dad 'll bloody kill me,
he said "Don't be late!"
He told me "Be in for seven!"
But its already half past eight!
He'll knock me bloody head off,
He'll hit the bloomin roof,
Damn, what can I do?
Dare I tell the truth?
I'll tell I missed the bus!
No! I got talking to a mate,
helped a woman to catch her dog,
Awww Dad I said I'd be late!
Why does he never believe me?
how does he spot the lie?
"You can't kid an old kidder son"
he says, "thats the reason why!

Soldier in Arms...

Amidst the streets of Belfast
the lonely soldier walks,
carrying powerful weapons
that end all the talk.
Gliding along the pavement
eyes wide with fear,
feeling for the bullet
that will end their short career.
Playing follow the leader
mates in staggered file,
today, no death so vile.
Eyes burning with sweat
tummies churning round and round,
waiting for the rifles crack
poised and ready to hit the ground.
Weapons cocked, on safety
walking a slow slow pace,
people stop and stare
with ne'er a smiling face.
They do not ask to die
nor face the angry ones,
they want to walk in peaceful streets
without powerful guns.
These poor boy's visit to Ireland
could never be a friendly one,
asked to keep the peace
between the Irish sons.